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 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...9yrs9Y


 @9FLZWML from California agreed…9mos9MO

It is their decision to do what they want with that money. We have given them an opportunity and if they do not care for themselves

 @9JG8Z22 from North Carolina disagreed…4mos4MO

To test each person who is on welfare for drugs would require our nation to mobilize a committee of people willing to force this service upon people. I believe most people who were on drugs in this scenario would refuse creating a difficult and unrewarding job that would result in an improperly implemented program. If the program did work I still believe that Welfare qualifications should focus on ability to provide work and perhaps keep a family safe. If someone happens to take a recreational drug during this I don’t believe it’s worth pulling Medicare. Once marijuana is legalized however, then maybe this law could see some development.

 @9FTF66D from California disagreed…8mos8MO

Some drugs can be helpful to some but it might be illegal in the work space, which puts them in a bind.

 @9G6ZM58Libertarian from Utah disagreed…8mos8MO

Its a waste of time, resources and money. There are already laws that exist to criminalize purchase and use of drugs. That's satisfactory already. What someone does with their own body is no one's business so long as it doesn't harm or impede on others.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...9yrs9Y


 @9F6HCX6 from California disagreed…9mos9MO

anyone who taking any form of controlled substances isn't in a state of mind where they can use the funds given to them responsibly.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...9yrs9Y

Yes, test anyone receiving money from the government including employees and politicians

 @9GWQ3DJ from Oregon disagreed…7mos7MO

The tests would be expensive and discourage drug addicts who need help from getting it. We should still give drug addicts the treatment they need. If we are helping people even if they are high there is no point in forcing them to get tested and discouraging them from getting the welfare they need.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...9yrs9Y

No, this is a waste of time and money

 @9FLZWML from California disagreed…9mos9MO

It is not a waste, many individuals are wasting government money and we can use that money to support a different cause.

 @9FM2MB6 from New Jersey disagreed…9mos9MO

I have worked as an Employment Specialist directly for the state welfare system for nearly a decade. The majority of our recipients are educated women who left the workforce to care for children. Very few recipients, at least in my state NJ, are drug users. It is a waste of time and money as well as insulting to individuals just trying to gain financial independence in a system rigged against their success.

A single adult cannot earn more than $618 too be eligible for assistance! $618!? A human cannot survive on that. A mother with zero income and of 3 school age children receives about $483…  Read more

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...9yrs9Y

Yes, but provide treatment for those testing positive

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...9yrs9Y

Yes, and immediately terminate benefits for anyone testing positive

 @9F88T2X from Washington disagreed…9mos9MO

Top Disagreement

Pulling welfare benefits from addicts only ensures that they do not have the resources to beat their addiction. Moreover, not all people who test positive for certain drugs are addicts, some illicit substances are taken responsibly as a form of recreation.

 @9F8F32JDemocrat from California disagreed…9mos9MO

This is awful. We don't test the general population for this when they go to get groceries or buy food so why should we do it to the less fortunate who are way more susceptible to drug use? This would also severely hurt kids and other family members. Lastly, punitive measures have never and will never be effective at stopping drug use.

 @9FQMJVF from Illinois disagreed…8mos8MO

There should be no drug testing for welfare recipients what these people do in their lives does not concern personal welfare. DECRIMINALIZE DRUGS

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...9yrs9Y

Regardless, we should end all social welfare programs

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...9yrs9Y

No, only if they have a criminal history related to drug abuse

 @8HB7BYY from Florida answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, and immediately remove benefits from any who test positive, BUT also provide them treatment.

 @8QS6KQGDemocrat from Michigan agreed…3yrs3Y

Yes, but provide treatment for those testing positive

They should not receive the benefits if they are taking drugs, but they should get treatment on the addiction. Agreed

 @5FPBRNMfrom Pennsylvania answered…4yrs4Y

They should get help. Addiction is a brain condition and they need treatment as much as anyone.

 @7PTCG38Democrat from Wisconsin answered…1yr1Y

No, only if they have a criminal history of felonies related to abuse of lethal street drugs. Provide treatment for those testing positive

 @9L4Z23BIndependent  from Pennsylvania answered…4wks4W

Yes, and if tests are failed, all benefits must be paused until they successfully graduate a drug court program

 @85QWNPG from Colorado answered…2yrs2Y

No, abolish welfare and provide free and universal healthcare regardless of drug usage or criminal history.

 @8JM7KS9Independent from Texas answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, but provide treatment for those who test positive and include a timeframe to get clean.

 @7PTCG38Democrat from Wisconsin answered…1yr1Y

No, only if they have a criminal history of felonies related to abuse of the most lethal street drugs

 @8R9GMG5 from Illinois answered…3yrs3Y

 @9D3RPBQfrom Guam answered…10mos10MO

Everyone should be given guaranteed welfare regardless and help others who are struggling from drug abuse

 @93SB7YB from Florida answered…2yrs2Y

 @8LR8FRT from Missouri answered…4yrs4Y

I believe there should be system in place of rehabilitation for those who test positive as opposed to completely taking away all benefits.

 @8HTW3KX from North Carolina answered…4yrs4Y

no, the government shouldn't be providing assistance and drugs should be legalized

 @8QS6KQGDemocrat from Michigan disagreed…3yrs3Y

Yes, but provide treatment for those testing positive

If they are taking drugs that means they have money and do not need welfare

 @8H9YK8J from California answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, but ensure that if welfare is going to be cut it will not be affecting the children of that recipient. There is no way it is ethical to punish the child of a parent who chooses to use drugs.

 @8QS6KQGDemocrat from Michigan agreed…3yrs3Y

Yes, but provide treatment for those testing positive

yeah, it would be mean to not give benefits to children because of a parents choice

 @8WNZVBZDemocratfrom Guam answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, provide treatment for those testing positive on their first offence. Terminate benefits from the second offence.

 @8R6CRGM from Indiana answered…3yrs3Y

 @8GR77N8 from New Jersey answered…4yrs4Y

No, and drug abuse should be treated as a health care issue and not a criminal issue, and better funding for social services related to drug and addiction treatment.

 @8DB3Q2D from North Carolina answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, test them with all drugs tested for employment provide treatment for anyone testing positive and if they have children remove them and place them in TEMPORARY foster care and supplement the children with the money necessary while their parents are in treatment. This should be a 3 strike rule. 3rd strike and children are permanently removed and adults are on their own.

 @97M3Z4X from New York answered…2yrs2Y

This doesn’t affect me

 @97WLQHG from Virginia commented…2yrs2Y

Yes, test anyone receiving money from the government including employees and politicians

If you pay taxes, it affects you. A person on welfare is living off you, as they sit home collecting your hard earnings, and doing drugs…..while you work……. Does it affect you now?


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