Try the political quiz

317 Replies


How might the arts and creative expressions flourish in a society that supports all forms of talent equally?

 @9L5WVWKLibertarian from New York answered…2mos2MO

Reduction in poverty and homelessness. More jobs would be created. This would give the unemployed and lower-class more opportunities to find work. Better care for the elderly and disabled: A democratic socialism aims to create a system that works for the people and takes care of the public. This will let people of minority to have the same experiences as other privileged kids who don't have to work as hard.

 @9L5X99X from Pennsylvania answered…2mos2MO

A society that supports all forms of talent equally allows people to feel free to be more creative, and out of the box thinkers. This will promote the arts greatly.

 @9L5X4VW from Ohio answered…2mos2MO

There would be an increase in jobs, I also believe that outdoor spaces would increase in things such as parks and outdoor area for people to socialize.


If your favorite hobby could become your career in a society that values all types of work equally, would you pursue it?

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia answered…4mos4MO

Possibly, but it truly depends what that hobby is. Not everything can pay well, it’s mostly off of what it provides society if you ask me.

 @9JSD3ZXSocialist from Missouri answered…4mos4MO

 @9JSCHYCSocialist answered…4mos4MO

 @9JSCGQJ from Oklahoma answered…4mos4MO

Absolutely. I believe many people could learn more from sports if we stopped looking at the fun part of it and start looking at the work and what it takes to be that good at something. I believe that would change so many peoples lives.


How might the quality of relationships in your life change if financial pressures were alleviated?

 @9L2DSZC from Wisconsin answered…3mos3MO

nothing would change i dont base my relationships with people off of finacial status.

 @9L2HC7N from Illinois disagreed…3mos3MO

Although we would not want to base close relationships with others on particular financial realities, the truth is that our finances can change how we react to stimulus and being under less stress would make our relationships be strengthened if we used the new time we receive with them.

 @9L2DY65 from Nebraska answered…3mos3MO

 @9L2DXZPWomen’s Equality from Wisconsin answered…3mos3MO

how much u decide to spend on things depends on how your relationship is with the people you are spending on.


How might your drive for academic excellence change if university admission was not competitive due to cost?

 @9KLC84X from Illinois answered…3mos3MO

 @9KL9DQPDemocrat from Texas answered…3mos3MO

I feel it would change drastically since it would be paid for some students may just do it because they can and blow it off. However there are other students such as myself who sometimes have a tricky time trying to pay back money for college. Essentially college is expensive and can be beneficial so if we want our occupation people to expand we still have to go to school. I feel with it being free some kids might be drawn to more likely join since finances wouldn’t be a problem by then anymore.

 @9KL9CFC  from California answered…3mos3MO

If university admission wasn't about money, many students would probably focus less on competition and more on learning. Without worrying about costs, more students from different backgrounds could be able to have that education many seek to have.


How would you feel if your hard work financially supported someone who chooses not to work at all?


I feel as though there are too many capable people living off of government assistance and there should be more requirements to get approved to any type of government assistance. People who work hard for their money shouldn't have to pay for others that don't work.

 @9H6LR7K from Texas answered…7mos7MO


How would your life change if your education and healthcare were completely free but this meant paying higher taxes?

 @9HDGW53 from Maryland answered…6mos6MO

My family would not have been able to afford a home in the long run as that would require more time to save, and in this turbulent environment, I like lower taxes. Also, I have never had any major medical issues, so I do not care much for it.

 @9HDGWJG from Virginia answered…6mos6MO

I hate the privatized health care system. There's more than enough money being mis-spent by our government to pay for education and health care.

 @9HDGT7J from New York answered…6mos6MO

i would gladly pay higher taxes to receive a service or product necessary for our survival is a right of all people

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…4mos4MO

Well if it offsets the usual cost of healthcare and education, I’m freaking doing that.


Do you believe everyone has a right to a comfortable life, or should comfort be earned, and why?

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…4mos4MO

 @9J3J3MLfrom Florida answered…5mos5MO

Comfort should be earned, but we all have a right to constitutional guarantees


If a friend worked just as hard as you but ended up in a lower-paying job, how would you feel about policies aimed at reducing this income gap?

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia answered…4mos4MO

Personally, I’d say that if it’s collectively agreed that the job they’re in (across the board) is due for a better pay raise, then I’d say it’s a good idea.

 @9HCTRC6 from California answered…6mos6MO

 @9HCTM5CSocialist from California answered…6mos6MO

I would only support them in the event that such programs were based in increasing real gdp as well as over-all quality of life, for example education subsidies.


What are your thoughts on the idea that workers should have control over the businesses they work for?

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia answered…4mos4MO

Very positive overall, though structuring and regulation is a necessary part to ensure that it works at a larger scale. In socialism, that’s what I think the government should be for.


What passions or hobbies might you devote more time to if working primarily to survive wasn’t a necessity?


How would your life priorities shift if there was an increased focus on environmental sustainability and equality?

 @9KZ2F5H from West Virginia answered…3mos3MO

As much as we should focus on environmental issues, we also need to focus on government issues first before any major decisions are made.

 @9KZ2F5S from Connecticut answered…3mos3MO

If there was an increased focus on environmental equality, our jobs would be more focused on providing for environmental care


Would the removal of the financial burden of healthcare influence your life planning and stress levels?

 @9LHTG7M from Indiana answered…2mos2MO

Yes, with a system that provides affordable and accessible healthcare not only to me but to everyone, we wouldn't have to worry about the high costs of medical treatments, insurance premiums, or unexpected medical bills.

 @9LHSGXY from Florida answered…2mos2MO

Healthcare is essential in life and in order to stay healthy and be able to see a doctor or specialist, healthcare is necessary if not you have to pay out of pocket


What is your vision of a fair society, and how does that influence your current lifestyle and choices?

 @9L2DZT4Progressive from Wisconsin answered…3mos3MO

I believe that the government should have control of society so that we can be safe and free and not restricted heavily by large taxes and extremely high interest. As well as leaving room for businesses to thrive and not be hindered by taxation.

 @9L2DYHZ from Nebraska answered…3mos3MO

A fair society to me would be equal opportunity’s for everyone no matter where your from or how much money you have. Now if your background is bad and your judged off of that then I agree with that but favoritism and money shouldn’t have anything to do with it


If society placed the well-being of all above the wealth of a few, how do you think that would influence your future family plans?


well in theory It sounds good in practice it dose not work out as even though some people will be taken care of others will be left in the dust affecting these poor peoples lives. Im not well knowleged in this subject enough but i dont think its a good idea to put anyone's needs before others

 @9J67MDF  from Maine answered…5mos5MO

i think democratic socialism is not right and it would affect my family plans drastically and not in a good way. going agaist all common sense and how god intended life to be.


Do you think it's fair for successful individuals to pay significantly higher taxes to support social programs?


If you had the chance to implement one social policy that reflected your values, what would it be and why?


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