Try the political quiz

409 Replies

 @9GLBDMV  from Nevada agreed…7mos7MO

Top Agreement

Some vaccines that children have taken have shown negative effects, like lowering testosterone or other hormones in their future, making their adult life a lot harder than those who did not receive the vaccine. So while vaccines for preventable diseases are a good idea they should not be mandatory for every child, and we should not force parents to have their children get vaccines they don’t feel comfortable giving their child.

 @9GMFXTR from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

I feel as though certain vaccines should be enforced. Not only for the safety of the child but for the family and their surroundings. Those whom may be allergic should be given an alternative, so they can still be able to prevent getting a disease.

 @9GMFNL5 from Virginia disagreed…7mos7MO

I believe most vaccines should be mandatory, as they can prevent easily preventable deadly diseases from taking their toll on a child.

 @9GMX7SX from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

I feel that they are there for a reason. Yes they may cause some issues but it’s better than getting a terrible disease when there was a vaccination or a chance of not getting it.

 @9GMF83L from Florida disagreed…7mos7MO

Vaccines are meant to prevent a human from contracting certain diseases and illnesses. When you don't vaccinate your child you aren't only endangering them but endangering yourself.

 @9FWSGCG agreed…8mos8MO

just like how government and the church are seperated, and you may live differently from the federal law like, ex: amish, or mormon. then if they can decide how to live a seperate life, then everyone else not apart of religious life-styles should be free to choose how they live and what they consume.

 @9FWTM3WCommunist from Louisiana disagreed…8mos8MO

Your life style should only affect you. When you start forcing others to engage with your religion you are encroaching on their rights to not believe in that religion. Vaccines being mandatory is not the same, as you not vaccinating may harm others.

 @9FWTH2C from California disagreed…8mos8MO

Mandatory vaccinations should be required because it is not only protecting you but it is also protecting the people around you and some people might have autoimmune diseases resulting in them not having a strong immune system making it more easy for them to catch diseases.

 @9FWTHBF from California disagreed…8mos8MO

As long as they do not interact with any other community in anyway that could spread the disease including daily necessities like grocery, receiving mail etc

 @9FWTT7G from Idaho agreed…8mos8MO

I'm not really sure how the Amish and Mormons live outside of the federal law, so I can't totally agree with that, but I do side with the overall argument of the comment that people should be able to make their own choices independently and without a government mandate.

 @9FDSML3  from Pennsylvania disagreed…9mos9MO

Top Disagreement

Not getting vaccinated puts oneself and others at risk. There are no direct long term negative effects from getting vaccinated.

 @9FDYGH8 from Pennsylvania disagreed…9mos9MO

It is crucial that people get to choose what they put in their own bodies. This should not be others' choices. Everyone deserves a right to not take vaccinations.

 @9H2FH5H  from Nevada agreed…7mos7MO

No vaccinations should be mandatory, if a person gets sick because they did not get the vaccine that is their own fault. If a person gets sick because they did get the vaccine that is the distributors' fault.


if a person dosent take a vaccination it is their fault they are sick. vaccinations should be mandatory.
if a person is vaccinated and gets sick that means they are inresponsible for not watching out for people whos sick

 @9H2GGTLLibertarian from North Carolina disagreed…7mos7MO

Humanity created vaccines because we all were dying from ridiculous illnesses since the dawn of time. If we didn't 'need' vaccines, we wouldn't push them so hard or be striving to make them better. Take your vaccine. You're an adult. Stop acting like a child.

 @9GQQY7ZIndependent from New Jersey agreed…7mos7MO

Vaccines should NEVER be required for people, especially if you are allergic to something in the vaccine and the government makes you take it anyways. That can kill you. Many vaccines have given people sicknesses and have killed them. If you want to take a vaccine, that's your choice, but it should NEVER be mandatory.

 @9GQSQTK from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

Of course, Vaccination should be never be required to people who have conclusive and confirmed harmful side effects to ingredients of the Vaccine. If a person is fully capable of being vaccinated without having harmful health effects AND it is a case of national emergency, then the Vaccine should be STRONGLY encouraged.

 @9GQSKS3Independent from Idaho disagreed…7mos7MO

if they are unable to take it, take a different form of it, there are many thousands of options that exist and at least one will work with more people, for the few which cannot take it, we must protect them and give them all the support and protections through collective immunity.

 @9GQT5PG from New York disagreed…7mos7MO

I should be mandatory as yes although some people might have a reaction that chae is very low, many people who dont vaccinate rely on others who vaccinate to keep themselves safe. If we all vaccinate it helps prevent and lessen the affects of said disease.

 @9FBLXQMLibertarian from California disagreed…9mos9MO

By making vaccinations mandatory it prevents kids from getting possibly life threatening illnesses, and giving the children those same diseases.

 @9FBRC7Z from Wisconsin disagreed…9mos9MO

There should be mandatory vaccinations because you could be saving your life and the lives around you.

 @9FBFQ9SPeace and Freedom from Tennessee disagreed…9mos9MO

Vaccinations play a very crucial role in life, without a vaccine, you can inflict illness on yourself, others, and it could create health problems in the future.

 @9FBJHXK from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

By not making Vaccinations Mandatory, young children are put at risk of catching a disease and possibly dying or having life lasting disabilities due to the disease because one parent decided not to vaccinate their child. Just like the flu, many diseases spread like wildfire and are preventable. New vaccinations should not be mandatory until we are aware of the lasting affect, but vaccinations that have been around for decades and proven to not have life lasting effects should be requires. If a vaccinated child dies from catching a disease that was transmitted from a non-vaccinated child, the parent of the vaccinated child should be allowed to sue or have the other parent arrested.


If someone were to cough on your child and they fall ill, the first and most important way to prevent that is to be vaccinated.

 @9H2BLCH from Florida commented…7mos7MO

Vaccinations are an easy way to prevent deadly diseases from being spread such as polio and mono.

 @9H26XPG from Arkansas disagreed…7mos7MO

we are free people with rights dont take the vaccines they are horrible for you its all goverment cotrol

 @9F9S55S from North Carolina disagreed…9mos9MO

Its been proven that vaccinations can only do you good so it should be mandatory that all children should be vaccinated

 @9FBPMYL from Delaware disagreed…9mos9MO

It's your own decision but why would the government want to tamper with vaccines? to track you? your illegal activity? are you on amphetamines or cocaine?

 @9H22WL6 from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

Vaccinations are not only proven to work, but they have almost succeeded in eliminating diseases such as measles and smallpox. Mandatory vaccines also help to protect those who cannot get vaccines by herd immunity, and reduce the deadliness of current diseases. There was only a resurgence of previously eliminated diseases such as mumps after anti-vaccination sentiments started.

 @9F8Q64FDemocrat from Illinois disagreed…9mos9MO

I can see that you might be paranoid due to the risk of the vaccine maybe not being healthy, but if you look around you people are living well and happy and covid free.

 @9F8X9W8 from Arizona commented…9mos9MO

This is actually a very ignorant to the current positive covid cases amongst those who have indeed been vaccinated.

 @9F9TRS5 from New Jersey disagreed…9mos9MO

with vaccines many lives can be saved and there is proof there is little to no downsides to vaccines

 @9FC75BK from Maryland agreed…9mos9MO

The United States exists for the purpose of democracy, emphasizing our liberty and the freedom to make choices. Our choices inherently have consequences. Citizens should be allowed to make any decision they want in this country and suffer whatever consequence they face. Vaccines should not be mandatory through government means.

 @SparklingShadsfrom Illinois disagreed…9mos9MO

While I agree that personal freedom is a cornerstone of our democracy, it's also important to consider how individual choices can impact the collective health of our society. For instance, the decision not to vaccinate can lead to outbreaks of preventable diseases, affecting both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals. In a sense, aren't these consequences affecting the rights of others to live in a disease-free environment? It's a delicate balance between individual liberties and public health. How would you propose we maintain this balance without compromising the health of our communities?

 @9GMHLJY from South Dakota agreed…7mos7MO

The COVID vaccine especially is poison. People get it and they still die and get COVID. it's all a scam.

 @9GNKCC8 from California agreed…7mos7MO

I do not think people NEED to have the vaccination if they do not want it because there has been research on some of the affects and no one should be forced to take something they do not want in their body.

 @9GSXP56 from Arizona agreed…7mos7MO

Some vaccines that children have taken have shown negative effects, like lowering testosterone or other hormones in their future, making their adult life a lot harder than those who did not receive the vaccine. So while vaccines for preventable diseases are a good idea they should not be mandatory for every child, and we should not force parents to have their children get vaccines they don’t feel comfortable giving their child


If your not working in a big company it doesn't really matter if you do or don't get a vaccination because if you've already had it in your system its gonna fight off the bacteria

 @9GSVFWH  from Ohio agreed…7mos7MO

No vaccinations should be mandatory, if a person gets sick because they did not get the vaccine that is their own fault. If a person gets sick because they did get the vaccine that is the distributors' fault

 @9F8KY2C from Florida disagreed…9mos9MO

If 'my body my rules' applies for vaccines, it applies for a woman's right to choose about having an abortion

 @992H2V5 from North Carolina commented…1yr1Y

I don't think the government should be allowed to mandate any medical treatments before someone is sick. If a child needs life saving medicine, then it is reasonable to force parents to allow that treatment. Emergency medicine is effective, but iatrogenic causes of death are too high in America and regulators are too influenced by and involved with industry. Therefore, parents should not be forced to agree with every vaccine that the government is successfully lobbied by industry to mandate. Kids are not as healthy as my generation, but the number of vaccine doses they get are at least five times higher. Not causal proof of a causal relationship to ill health but children's health is obviously not better as a result.

 @9DYFPZY from Massachusetts commented…9mos9MO

Let's be honest: the vaccines are killing people AND causing autism.

 @97CYGQ9Republican from Indiana agreed…2yrs2Y

While I believe that everyone should be allowed to be free to make whatever decision they want. I do think someone is quite naive to not vaccinate their child without taking it into consideration that the child will most likely not live a very long life.

 @9DYFPZY from Massachusetts commented…9mos9MO

This has to be the most ignorant statement I have read regarding childhood vaccines.

The poster should have his/her head examined.

First, if you look at the statistics, the unvaxxed are doing just fine -- and in fact, far better than their vaxxed counterparts.

If your vaccines were so goddamned good, the whole world would be signing up for them -- wouldn't they? The Amish would be lining up for them, don't you think?

You are morally and mentally weak if you believe vaccines are one of life's necessities. My children have been much healthier without vaccines than I was at their age. Neither one of them has ever had the flu; neither one has allergies. They seldom get sick, and if they do it is for a day or two, no fevers.

So sad to see so many fools clinging to their beliefs, huddling in the herd out of weakness.

 @9GZT5HK from Louisiana agreed…7mos7MO

Covid 19 is already slowing down, and having vaccinations don't even help sometimes, with the new strands of covid that has came out

 @9GN2T9W from Delaware agreed…7mos7MO

My body, my choice. Your body, your choice. I defined your liberties, whether I agree with them or not and you do the same. Fair and equal.

 @9FYL2SS from Pennsylvania agreed…8mos8MO

The government should not be regulating what goes in and out of your bodies that is up to the person. It should be illegal that businesses the government and work places are mandating vaccines that are not proven to be effective

 @9FSZFKJ from California agreed…8mos8MO

The United States exists for the purpose of democracy, emphasizing our liberty and the freedom to make choices. Our choices inherently have consequences. Citizens should be allowed to make any decision they want in this country and suffer whatever consequence they face. Vaccines should not be mandatory through government means.


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