Try the political quiz

46 Replies

 @9GZR859Peace and Freedom from Pennsylvania disagreed…7mos7MO

Diseases like the black plague back in the day, I would understand, but they made it through the years without a vaccine and did just fine.

 @9FNKH7H from Ohio disagreed…8mos8MO

People should not have to be forced into a vaccine that they do not want. No one truly knows if they even work fully or would help if a person fell sick.

 @9FQFW37from Guam disagreed…8mos8MO

It is a violation of fundamental human freedoms.
It is impossible to give informed consent if the procedure is mandatory.

 @9M9SDYX from Idaho disagreed…4wks4W

Who are we leaving to decide what constitutes a "deadly" disease? Chickenpox use to be a normal childhood disease that everyone just got. Now they like to claim if you don't get the vaccine your child will die. Sure if small pox comes back, I would look farther into that one. Other then that I am ok with letting my children decide. My oldest got most of his vaccines and has been the on of my 4 that has been the most sick over his 20ish years of life.

 @9LSXSQV from Texas disagreed…1mo1MO

Diseases like the black plague back in the day, I would understand, but they made it through the years without a vaccine and did just fine.

 @9LQKZ4K from Montana disagreed…1mo1MO

Every disease can be deadly and contagious due to different factors like age, health, and exposure,.

 @9LJY2ML from Oklahoma disagreed…2mos2MO

If they show symptoms for a deadly disease they should stay quarantined and safe away from others, but violating a person's body is no way to go about keeping people safe.

 @9MH9MY9 from Colorado disagreed…3wks3W

If is something that is an "antidote" against deadly diseases then that makes sense, but still not required.

 @9LYHPFDLibertarian from New York disagreed…1mo1MO

To me, forcing a child to get a mandatory vaccine is not fair to the parents. Now, for deadly diseases I think it’s best to avoid letting little Jimmy sneeze on Allison from math class and giving her smallpox because Jimmys parents don’t support vaccines and just got back from vacation to Jamaican where he caught it munching on oxtail. Vaccines are great don’t get me wrong, but the science of how it literally changes your DNA can’t be denied. And while the chances are small, undesired mutations do happen and if they do and are caused by a vaccine which otherwise could have been avoided, it isn’t right to the child.

 @9LX825QRepublican from Nevada disagreed…1mo1MO

I do not feel it is my place to tell anyone what they should have injected into their bodies. Conversely, I do not want my rates going up if someone then becomes ill from a preventable disease.

 @9LWRYY2Women’s Equality from New York disagreed…1mo1MO

A potential counter argument to the position advocating for mandatory vaccinations specifically for deadly contagious diseases is that such a policy could be difficult to implement effectively and may not adequately address public health concerns.

 @9LWMZNF from Oklahoma disagreed…1mo1MO

I reaffirm my positions that I described earlier. In addition, people should and are capable of making their own responsible health choices.

 @9LWHZ54Republican from Indiana disagreed…1mo1MO

People need too stay safe and keep the world safe and health as much as they can. If people aren't protecting themselves from harmful diseases then it is going to hurt the population.

 @9LVW4NY from California disagreed…1mo1MO

I don't have a counter argument. I think that if it can seriously harm other students than it should be taken care of. But if its something less severe and even if it is and can't get other kids because they have a vaccine than that should be fine

 @9LVHWVG from Pennsylvania disagreed…1mo1MO

No because some "deadly contagious diseases" aren't really diseases they are regular sickness but they are set up as a trap

 @9LQHRBN from Washington disagreed…1mo1MO

It limits the freedom of choice and people should be able to make their own decisions and they should be able to make their own informed decision

 @9LZ4SF3Republican from Connecticut disagreed…1mo1MO

If a vaccine or anything that has the words Mandatory on it, it goes against the USA's Constitution. Everyone has a right to do whatever they choose, and they are not allowed to be forced to be injected by anything they do not agree to.

 @9LVHVY6 from Tennessee disagreed…1mo1MO

Yet again, a person should be able to decide that they don't want to have a vaccinations, that is new or relatively untested, introduced into their body.

 @9KCVRNH  from Texas disagreed…3mos3MO

Deadly contagious diseases are more dangerous than 1000 years ago because of transmission and ease of spread across globe because of transportation technology

 @9KCPTQSRepublican from Texas disagreed…3mos3MO

A person should be able to do whatever they want with their body and if they refuse then they should not have to get vaccinated.

 @9LYYQCS from Ohio disagreed…1mo1MO

If there is really a deadly disease, I believe the people themselves will get the shot without being forced. Let people have a choice.

 @9LXYH87 from Wisconsin disagreed…1mo1MO

Diseases like the plague is very understandable, it killed everyone in its path. back in they day, they did it without a vaccine, turns out to be just fine. BUT something like the Covid shot I simply disagree because it doesn't have any benefits from what I have seen, and I am scared of that shot.

  @charlie3sticks from Guam disagreed…4mos4MO

What is deadly? Who is making the distinction? How are we inviting people to understand the serious or unserious nature of the disease? Are we having an entire add campaign by phizer and the usg again? because if that's the case, then nothing you try to implement will work.

now, do we want to literally wall off the content wall and put together a steve like jobs presentation with rigorous debate, grace, and enthusiasm? with a plan for everyone? now we are talking

 @9HCSQXGConstitution from New Hampshire disagreed…6mos6MO

Due to the First Amendment, people have the right to act within their own interest, so having mandatory vaccinations would suppress those interests and therefore, being unconstitutional.

 @9H543CCMountain from Rhode Island disagreed…6mos6MO

A deadly contagious disease has the ability to impact a very young child to the same degree a very minuscule disease such as a cold or the flu does at such an age.

 @9GCXLFS from Nebraska disagreed…8mos8MO

even if the disease is deadly, the vaccination, especially if produced recently and quickly, could have worse long term effects than the sickness itself.

 @9FWM5WN from Ohio disagreed…8mos8MO

If you don't want the vaccine because you feel it unsafe or you just don't want it then it is your choice if you could potentially get the contagious diseases.

 @9FM46QP from Massachusetts disagreed…8mos8MO

I think that this is a good answer but you can not fully mandate vaccines because some people are religious and dont believe in it but should have to have it in order to go into public and state schools but if they send their children to aschool with equally religious people it can be more acceptable.

 @9FNJDN7 from Georgia disagreed…8mos8MO

For deadly diseases the right precautions should be followed wether that's the need of a vaccination or not.

 @9FJFCK8 from Oregon disagreed…8mos8MO

i dont have an argument on the subject, if its a deadly diseases and we can prevent it from spreading.

 @9H4QTXT from Michigan disagreed…6mos6MO

Like as stated above, the parents should have the say. If they believe they want their kid to be so called protected then go for it.

 @db from Mississippi disagreed…5 days5D

During the civil war, a group of Confederate activists often went to D.C to protest in support of slavery and secession. Because of the unrest this was causing, Lincoln declared martial law, suspended habeas corpus and started arrests of these people and mass arrests of more than 38,000 anti-war protestors and journalists. On may 25, 1861, John Merryman, a secessionist activist was arrested in Cockeysville, Maryland. Because of Lincoln's suspension of habeas corpus, the federal government had the power to hold the arrested without indictment or arraignment so, Merryman was held at Ft.…  Read more


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