Try the political quiz

252 Replies


What challenges do you think a business would face in a decentralized market, and how might they overcome these?

 @9J8T6NJWomen’s Equality  from Texas answered…5mos5MO

Digital capital training could be made very easy. Essentially crypto will be the new cash. The only challenge I can see is if a business owner is older in age or holds distrust in the concept generally due to their limited knowledge on the subject.

 @9J8TZ3R from Massachusetts answered…5mos5MO

I think that decentralization needs to be taken on for more than just businesses, returning humanity to a place where they rely on themselves and their community instead of corporations that routinely violate human rights for the sake of the bottom line. I want large businesses to face challenges in a decentralized markets. They need to face the challenges they enforce.

 @9J8V6YP from Iowa answered…5mos5MO

People might not know about them as much or they might not be reconemded as much. Post about their company and tell others.

 @9J8V692  from California answered…5mos5MO

I feel that this topic should be talked about a lot more in schools and that even though they are young you should stick into there brain as soon as possible because they most likely forget if they try and learn it if they are older.


If every neighborhood was responsible for its own waste management, how do you think this would affect your daily habits and local environment?

 @9KTJVNH from Maryland answered…3mos3MO

If every neighborhood were responsible for its waste management, I believe it would make the environment way more drastic from neighborhood to neighborhood. There would be a different quota for each neighborhood. My habits would stay the same for a while until I am disgusted by my own being then change to not live in squalor.

 @9KSZXQC from Louisiana answered…3mos3MO

I think it would require a lifestyle change and a change in the products we use. I see the effects of littering everyday in the woods after flooding of bottomlands and it’s sad the amount of trash we just leave out.

 @9KSZVJ3 from Missouri answered…3mos3MO

The environment especially in suburban areas would become horrible. There would be waste and other things everywhere. Without the waste service all communities would be trashed.

 @9KSZQC3 from Missouri answered…3mos3MO


How might managing a project with your friends differ if each person was in charge of a different aspect, rather than having one leader?

 @9JRF9DW from Colorado answered…4mos4MO

It depends on how that group works weather the process slows or not, could be non eficiant.

 @9JRF67V from Idaho answered…4mos4MO

it would be alot of chaos because it would not be a single person involved in leading it would be a bunch of people and that would not be smart


That would be better, for everyone would no longer have one person decision on everything, that they may not truly understand the area.


Would a decentralized approach make tackling issues like homelessness and unemployment in your area more effective?


It would and wouldnt because homelessnes happens because of a choice and many are addicted to drugs and need help not shelters. It would help to address unemployment


Homelessness is not strictly reduced down to a choice. Many do not choose to suffer on the streets, but sadly many are ex-veterans, have been kicked out of their homes, or became homeless due to unemployment.


I think not because its difficult to make decisions through a decentralized approach. And i think would negetively effect the homeless and unemployed.


In what ways do you think the implementation of local energy projects, like community gardens or solar panels, could affect your neighborhood?

 @9L95JLZ from North Carolina answered…2mos2MO

 @9L95HMR from Missouri answered…2mos2MO

 @9L95H48 from Texas answered…2mos2MO

i think it could bring together a community and make it feel like a tight nit community


How would the mentorship or guidance experience in your school change if it was managed by student leaders?

 @9L8CXGFProgressive from Florida answered…2mos2MO

student leaders managing mentorship or guidance experiences in school could enhances in school.

 @9L8CWVM from Illinois answered…2mos2MO

Students are most likely to listen to more students than adults so the mentorship would be good if the mentor was taught the right things.

 @9L8CS9C from Arkansas answered…2mos2MO


How would education systems benefit from or be challenged by decision-making at the local level?

 @9HJDNC3 from Texas answered…6mos6MO

The education system would be challenged by decision-making at the local level, because this would require the local officials to remove their personal bias, particularly in rural areas where their education would favor the dominant religious denomination, instead of being based in fact and knowledge

 @9HJDPYF from Iowa answered…6mos6MO

They would benefit by allowing schools to educate based on their area's needs.

 @9HJDKCT from Florida answered…6mos6MO


How do social media platforms demonstrate both the positives and negatives of decentralized control over content?

 @9HHK7N2 from Illinois answered…6mos6MO

On the positive side, decentralization can promote freedom of expression and allow for a diverse range of voices and perspectives to be heard.

 @9HHKLVH from Iowa answered…6mos6MO

I will tell them to keep thinking about it before saying it because there are chances some people may have doubt.

 @9HHK3M3 from Utah answered…6mos6MO


In a decentralized education system, schools could drastically differ; how do you feel this would affect equality of opportunity?

 @82BNLG9Constitution  from Nevada commented…6mos6MO

okay i'm long winded on this one because I deeply feel that the education system failed me despite being moderately intelligent. it took years after graduation to realize that I like learning, and years more to determine what i (as not professional at all on this topic) believe to be worth investigating.

Northern Nevada has long been a very blue collar industry, all of NV has, but in recent years tech companies from Apple to Tesla have planted their roots but there's been no white collar growth. We have foreigner from outside our nation, transplants from CA and TX, and because of the…  Read more

 @9H7DFCHLibertarian from Florida answered…6mos6MO

I feel this would damage our society by widening gaps between those who have means and those who are of lower socio-economic status.

 @9H7D5YZ from California answered…6mos6MO

Decentralization of school systems would negatively impact equality of opportunity because district funding would depend even more on the wealth of the area, rather than receiving centralized funding to balance out inequalities. Using decentralized standards will set students and professors up for failure in college, as students will have differing levels of knowledge as they enter higher education. Centralization is also an effective tool because it can allow research about the best education methods to reach broader audiences.


How does the decentralization of news sources affect the type and diversity of information you receive?

 @9HJCT95Libertarian  from Wisconsin answered…6mos6MO

Less government involvement in the media would bring true uncensored topics to the American people.

 @9HJCZQB from Pennsylvania answered…6mos6MO

there would be many different news sources like there is now but that comes with the ability to read the wrong one and take it as facts

 @9HJCW3W from Michigan answered…6mos6MO


How might music or arts festivals differ if their organization and rules were decided by local communities?

 @9HYKKR2  from Texas answered…5mos5MO

I feel like they would be a lot more vibrant and culturally relevant to where they are hosted, and people can have a greater say.

 @9HYKHHC from California answered…5mos5MO


How might spreading out power to more people in smaller regions impact your everyday life?

 @82BNLG9Constitution  from Nevada commented…6mos6MO

This is a loaded question, but as simply as possible; our current national population is roughly 330 million as of 2023. Across 50 states, in about 6 biomes, a spectrum of religious and political beliefs, etc. The point is, just like common core education has created a false narrative of an increase of adhd in children; we must engage our communities in smaller groups to appeal to the specific needs for the societal paradigm first.

To borrow from the Jethro principle of the Bible. Our President may be a federally elected leader chosen and voted for by our various systems of checks and balances…  Read more

 @9H7FMTPRepublican from Michigan answered…6mos6MO

 @9H7FMCK from North Carolina answered…6mos6MO

decentralization is a top-down process deriving from central governments.


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