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15 Replies

 @9H4SKGC from New York agreed…7mos7MO

There are already better ways of extracting energy instead of oil because energy can replace oil & is more renewable


If we were to expand the oil drilling we are killing each other more by making out home planet sick with all this air population we should work smarter and at a team to see what we can do to make healthy energy to drive and other things that we use oil for .

 @9H3GBGBPeace and Freedom from Pennsylvania agreed…7mos7MO

I get the need for oil drilling but I feel like we constantly advance in things that we necessarily don't need like cars, phones, etc. By now, I feel as though we should have a better way to figure out a substitute for oil drilling because of the damage and mess it creates.

 @9H2KCDG from Arizona agreed…7mos7MO

Gas which is oil which is used everyday and costs much money for people. Electric is safer for people and will lower spending costs for gas.


Oil Drilling will hurt our environment and will hurt our future generations. We damage the ability to walk outside and smell clean air. We should really convert to a better, non damaging source of fuel to protect us people and the future.

 @9JQQ2H3 from Minnesota agreed…4mos4MO

By 2060 fossil fuels will run out if we keep using as much as we are today, we need others sources to get energy from

 @9JKXWCX from New York agreed…4mos4MO

oil drilling has a major impact on the environment. They are constantly creating pollution and destroying wildlife.

 @9H7F459 from Washington agreed…6mos6MO

the willow project can cause global warming to get worse, meaning ice melting faster and the life in the arctic to struggle more with living

 @9JTFWMGPeace and Freedom from Oregon agreed…4mos4MO

Oil drilling has been the reason for the death of large amounts of ocean life, caused by giant oil spills. It is an extremely harmful process, for the ecosystems being interrupted by the drilling process and the environment of our planet, which is harmed by the greenhouse gasses from fossil fuels. It should be more heavily regulated and stopped completely at the earliest possible time.

 @9H5NSNL from New York agreed…6mos6MO

It ruins biodiversity such as marine life and damaging soil on the ground as well as causing pollution problems.

 @9H4SSN9Democratfrom Maine agreed…7mos7MO

Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and all other advanced nations are stopping all investment in oil or have already stopped relying on oil. America, being the richest country in the world, must use the free market to create sustainable alternatives not only to set an example to the world, but also to ensure our economy will not fall behind the rest of the world.

 @9H3BNZ4 from Texas agreed…7mos7MO,and%20people's%20way%20of%20life.


Intendances of environmental harm by oil drilling is seen more then just the Deepwater Horizon accident and we can see the epically in Australia

 @9GH8MPB from Washington agreed…7mos7MO

There are also oil spills caused by offshore oil drilling. The New Horizons oil spill was among the worst oil spills in history. Additionally, expanding offshore drilling puts in place infrastructure that is going to be detrimental to the environment. Additionally, the economy can, with adequate actions, evolve to be resilient without the destruction of the environment.

 @9FLXLNL from Arizona disagreed…8mos8MO

We need to establish global dominance and we do that will Nuclear power, military, and oil. Other things too.


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