Try the political quiz

11 Replies

 @9GG3W8Pfrom Guam agreed…7mos7MO

I took a degree in International Relations with a focus in International Political Economy. I used to be anti US intervention, but after learning more in university I slowly became more and more pro US intervention in order to maintain the current western status quo

 @9FJFPRC from Oregon agreed…8mos8MO

Ukraine is an up and coming European nation looking to leave the Russian Sphere of Influence. With Miltary support and better economic ties to the west, the threat of Russia could be more effectively countered, the production (primary/secondary/tertiary) of Ukraine could be advanced at a rate Ukraine has never seen which would drastically improve the lives of all Ukrainians, and the rest of NATO would benefit from the Ukrainian food production.

 @9FNJFMD from Georgia disagreed…8mos8MO

Ukraine is still currently locked in war with Russia. If we asked them to join NATO now, we'd then be obligated to retaliate against Russia, leading to them retaliating against us with their allies, and this could erupt into a full scale World War 3

 @99QHHX4Democratfrom Virgin Islands commented…1yr1Y

It's a country that's far from perfect but strived to get better and to embrace the values of free world fiercely since 2013. They stand against the very idea of aggressive authoritarianism every day they refuse to bow down to Russian invaders that wish to strip away even more of their rights. Give them a chance and time, they'll join NATO one day and put Erdogan's regime in Turkey to shame.


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