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33 Replies

 @9G3X3YL from California agreed…8mos8MO

Though I agree with "Life should ALWAYS be protected and nurtured" and "If a woman doesn't want to keep a rapists child then that's why she has the choice to give the child up for adoption", at the end of the day the women having the abortion is ending a human life. I completely go against rape but I also completely go against murder. The only real way I personally think to support the victim of rape is to comfort her daily since the majority of the damage in the long run is happening in the brain.

 @9FZ6V6XRepublican from Florida agreed…8mos8MO

I agree with it because yes I know you went through a traumatic experience but that doesn't mean you should take that babies life away, you can literally give it up for adoption.

 @9FZWQDR from Texas agreed…8mos8MO

Agreed. Babies are innocent. Sorry for the mother's misfortune however, the baby is a bystander in the situation.

 @9G2HKRM from Nebraska agreed…8mos8MO

I agree completely. The child didn't do anything wrong and their life shouldn't be taken because the mother doesn't want the child. The child is still a living being and should get the same respect for its life as any other child.

 @9FYB85V  from Georgia disagreed…8mos8MO

To be able to look at a woman who has been raped and tell her that her being raped is less important than the little sperm egg inside of her is disgusting and vial. Giving birth to a child and then additionally giving said child away to foster care is insanity because our foster care system is garbage. Children are more likely to end up on the street homeless and starving then getting adopted at a foster home. Women go through so many complications through pregnancy and birth and even after birth. There are so many medical issues that can go wrong and that can KILL the mother. When a woman…  Read more

 @9FY9H8Q from California disagreed…8mos8MO

1) it’s not called insanity, it’s known as medical care and it’s ethics; we “play God” all the time in medical settings by saving people who would’ve died “naturally” had we not “tested our own universe”

2)life should not always be protected and nurtured. Not only is there nothing inherently valuable about life but this can also be detracting from people who wish to die under dire circumstances, this stance isjust to relieve someone’s moral discomfort, Doesn’t seem to add up when the same person running under the implicit…  Read more

 @9FZJ4FL from California agreed…8mos8MO

I agree, the baby did nothing wrong and theres many couples that would do anything to have a healthy baby.

 @9G64LM3 from Louisiana agreed…8mos8MO

I disagree, I think abortion should not be an option. You should at least keep the kid, but you can give it to a family who wants the kid. The kid isn't even born yet, the kid has no choice and say of what he does at that point. You can take the life of an innocent child and think that is ok. It is not ok whatsoever. The kid didn't choose the way we were made.

 @RobustP0litic4lPlatformSocialistfrom Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

I respect your opinion but consider this: A woman, let's call her Sally, is a survivor of a violent assault. She discovers she's pregnant as a result. She's traumatized and scared. Now, I agree with you that every life is precious and should be nurtured. But what about Sally's life? Is her mental health not a life that needs to be protected too?

Adoption could be an option, sure, but that means Sally has to go through the physical and emotional toll of pregnancy and childbirth, all the while being reminded of her trauma. Also, let's not forget, there are around 440,…  Read more

 @9G3VCLT from Kansas disagreed…8mos8MO

Women could die from attempting an unsafe abortion, because banning abortions does not mean banning abortions, it means banning SAFE abortions. If you were really pro-life, you’d get it.

 @9G3S65B from Nevada disagreed…8mos8MO

I feel like women should be able to do what they want with their body .Especially because you dont know what there going through.

 @9G2S57N from Kentucky disagreed…8mos8MO

The woman woulda always have that on her mind, and having that person’s child is even worse on her and the child. The woman might also feel an obligation to raise the child since it still is her own child, even if it was from a man who wasn’t chosen to be the father.

 @9G2LD29 from North Carolina disagreed…8mos8MO

it is not the right for the government to restrict the natural rights that women have to their own bodies. nor is it ethically right to force women to bear a child and go through the intense pain and hormones and bodily changes that pregnancy induces

 @9G7YDN3 from Illinois disagreed…8mos8MO

If a woman is raped and has no secure income and can't abort then should she struggle more even when she knows she can't.

 @9G7S67RSocialist from Hawaii disagreed…8mos8MO

I believe that people who are capable of getting pregnant should have bodily autonomy and access to safe abortions regardless of the reason for the procedure.

 @9G63Q9G  from Illinois disagreed…8mos8MO

I don't know if you have heard but you get an abortion before the child is even born. The child can not feel anything when an abortion has taken into effect. It is a cell.

 @9FZRN3C from Georgia disagreed…8mos8MO

It is not your body or your child. At the end of the day, you cannot make the decision for the woman.

 @9FZQH73 from California disagreed…8mos8MO

I feel that Women should have the right to abortion because how do you know the rapist? whom every wrote is very little minded of thinking and is only thinking for themself and is not considering women's feeling and emotions. Pregnancy is not supposed to be something you aren't supposed to feel miserable about and because a woman has been raped and is carrying her rapist child, she will not enjoy this pregnancy. Putting a child up for adoptions you know how many kids are still in need of a real home a real parent? Well, it is 117,000 kids still waiting for homes and this decision will just add more kids. Ther for women should have the right to abort a fetus if she doesn't want it or if she is not stable to carry a child or have the right finances.

 @9FZ833C  from Utah disagreed…8mos8MO

It's not the mother's fault she was raped either, an unware barely humanoid clump of cells that can't comprehend such a horrific act that brought it into this world has no opinion on whether or not it lives or dies. It's not conscious, and to put the mother through another traumatic experience because you believe her life and mental well-being are less valuable than that of the product of rape is a horrifying belief to hold and I hope you seriously reconsider your stance.

 @9FYWZ7S  from Georgia disagreed…8mos8MO

She doesn’t have to raise it but she has to carry it for 9 months, she has to suffer all the consequences before and during birth. Some people don’t want to go through the trauma of still suffering with the baby after being raped.

 @9FYSKX9 from California disagreed…8mos8MO

This would condemn women to carry pregnancies to term, the enforcement of this would constitute a violent and misanthropic violation of human rights.

 @9FYN4YJ from Louisiana disagreed…8mos8MO

People want to protect the rights of something not even born yet instead of the rights of a currently living human being who has been violated. If you don't believe in abortion, don't do it. But don't try to control others into doing it because it doesn't affect you at all. Also in some conditions women can die if they give birth instead of having an abortion. So since your saying life should always be protected than her getting an abortion would be the right choice.

 @9FYN3CSDemocrat from Georgia disagreed…8mos8MO

If having the baby is putting your life at risk, should you be forced to have the baby and kill yourself?

 @9FYLMCM from Washington disagreed…8mos8MO

Even if we accept a fetus as a living human, forcing a woman to carry to term violates her rights to bodily autonomy. During a 9 month pregnancy the fetus is entirely dependent on the mother for sustenance, and the mother has no duty of care to the fetus and can not be forced to care for the entirety of 9 months.

 @9FZGK5D from Iowa disagreed…8mos8MO

She should have the right to an abortion because in a case like this it is her sole choice. People may say why not give the child up for adoption but the adoption system needs to be changed because there are thousands of children waiting to be adopted. What if they age out of the adoption system? If a child were to age out they would be placed in foster care or in a group home until they get kicked out because of their age and then they have to try to figure out life by themselves.

 @9FZG3H9 from Michigan disagreed…8mos8MO

well it would be inhuamne for the woman to birth and either raise or give up for adoption because the foster system is not the best and even foster kids get treated not the best, it's rather better if the pregnancy get's terminated, plus brain fuction doesn't happen during the early stages of pregnancy.

 @9FYL3DG from Illinois disagreed…8mos8MO

If we get rid of abortion what will happen to those little girls? The little girls who get raped and what if they are pregnant, you're gonna make a little girl have a kid?

 @9FYFFR5 from Maryland disagreed…8mos8MO

Everyone isn’t built the same and don’t have the same point of view, with that being said as a woman I should be responsible and able to make the calls when it comes to MY BODY. Opinion doesn’t matter in this conversation because at the end of the day you’re holding an opinion on something you wont have to deal with for 9 months.

 @9FYBXL3Progressive from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

It's not a child. You can't claim it as a dependent. You can't physically see it. It doesn't exist nor know it exists yet. No one should go through such a trauma and then go through the trauma that is birth. An experience that should be beautiful. You shouldn't force anyone to do anything they don't want to do with their body. That happened in the past I wonder what that was called...

 @9FYB8RV from Virginia disagreed…8mos8MO

If this woman was raped, someone violated her bodily autonomy, which is illegal. Similarly, in the US it is not required for a person to use their body and bodily resources to support someone else's life, because it violates their bodily autonomy. Therefore, this woman is not required to have this baby, because she is not legally obligated to sustain its life, when it can't survive outside of the womb.

 @9FY9JMK  from Oklahoma disagreed…8mos8MO

when life begins cannot be scientifically proven. When life begins is a philosophical question. You cannot prove when someone begins to live. On top of that you can define for everyone what it means TO live. for example for you it may be a heart beat, others might be cognitive thinking or even whenever the embryo enters the egg. To be more specific no one has the right to push their individual moral compass onto anyone else.

 @9FY9HS5 from Georgia disagreed…8mos8MO

The government should not be allowed to regulate what women do with their bodies. Abortions can be done safely and before the fetus is developed, making it not a human life.

 @9FY9FF6 from Kansas disagreed…8mos8MO

Fetuses are not children, and a woman's bodily autonomy trumps any theoretical right a fetus could have. Life is not simple or straightforward, it is messy and complicated. People have been making these decisions themselves for millennia. I think our modern form of abortion is the most humane we as a species have ever achieved.


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