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Should the electoral college be abolished?

No, the electoral college ensures representation of the whole country instead of just major cities

 @7KN529B from Indiana disagreed…8mos8MO

The electoral college takes away the right of the American people to choose their president by placing it in a arcane system that has chosen the loser of the popular vote twice in the last 20 years.

  @jwolfsg1590Constitution  from California disagreed…8mos8MO

We are not a Democracy. We are a Constitutional Federal Republic. The Electoral College ensures that heavily populated states do not override the will of the less populated states. You would feel differently about the popular vote if you lives in those less populated states.

 @9JXT4NB from Idaho commented…4mos4MO

A Constitutional Federal Republic is a form of democracy. Saying that it isn't is like saying a sub isn't a sandwich.