Try the political quiz

5 Replies

 @9H36RST from Georgia answered…7mos7MO

 @AutumnEternalSocialist  from Virginia answered…7mos7MO

There's no point in discriminating against people due to made up stereotypes, and it just reinforces injustice in the world

 @9H37CH7 from Virginia answered…7mos7MO

I agree that there is a lot of hate against the Muslim religion from misinformed people, but I don't think there is anything wrong with placing higher surveillance on people coming from regions full of terrorism.

 @9H3B8T2 from Missouri answered…7mos7MO

Absolutly. We went into the entirety on a nation on the basis of "they attacked us (iraq)" when they really didn't. I'd say its more playing up the actions of one or two groups (al-qauda and isis then, hamas now) to justify it.