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US Pushes for Immediate Ceasefire in Gaza with UN Resolution

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…3mos3MO

We find the crap out of Israel, and it’s our proxy, so it’s our business. Thankfully we can finally get to STOPPING this thing for a few minutes.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…3mos3MO

And that's a problem. We should end all foreign aid. If we hadn't initiated foreign aid, we wouldn't have to have this discussion.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…3mos3MO

Isolationism isn’t the solution, bur neither is dipping our hands into every single foreign affair. You’ve referenced before how you wish the British empire had never fallen of withdrawn, that’s America right now. IT’s tyrannical, it shouldn’t be there, but if we pull it out suddenly, it only makes the issue worse. We need to maneuver towards allowing their people to choose, but that cannot be done by simply leaving them alone.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…3mos3MO

Part of the reason I'm glad the British Empire had never fallen is because if it hadn't, none of this work would even be open for us to do. The British Empire was far from tyrannical, and we wouldn't have humanitarian starvation crises in Africa if they hadn't fallen. An uneducated people can never be free and independent, and the word "educated" is about as far from the average African continent-dweller (certainly not ALL, but MOST) as you can get, because they do not have the four things that have made America (and Britain) great

(1) Christianity

(2) Common law

(3) Private Property

(4) Free Markets

Government, like I've said, is an inherently evil institution, and out of respect for, not ignorance of the needs of, foreigners, I am against government meddling with their lives.