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28 Replies

 @9F7XSZTGreen from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

There has been much scientific research pointing to humans being the main cause of climate change. While it may occur naturally, we humans have greatly sped up the process and the fault lies within our actions.

 @9F7Z388 from California disagreed…9mos9MO

Scientist have proven the effects of carbon emission to the climate. Sure the ideology of the climate is natural, but the rate of which it’s raising is not natural and caused because of how much green house gasses we am it. We could physically see the effects of little carbon emission from the pandemic because we were in lock down and the skies seemed clear and felt cleaner.

 @9F7HX7T from California disagreed…9mos9MO

Global warming has clearly changed over time due to the increase and ongoing use of fossil fuels. It is not a natural occurrence and is awful for the environment and our planet.

 @9F7H93M from Indiana disagreed…9mos9MO

Yes, it is a natural occurrence but we are speeding up the process with our emissions at a rate the Earth can't handle.

 @9F78NZX from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

While global warming may be a natural occurrence, it is sped up drastically by pollution and emissions cause by humans and it must change to preserve our planet.

 @9F7HD6N from Massachusetts disagreed…9mos9MO

The government should increase environmental regulations because climate finance helps countries reduce greenhouse gas emissions such as by funding renewable power like wind or solar. It also helps communities adapt to climate change impacts. Additionally, it will decrease the impact of natural disasters as there effects get more dramatic with as more climate change takes place.

 @9F75XMV from Nebraska disagreed…9mos9MO

We as a whole can do more to combat the climate change we cause. Though some of it is a natural occurrence, not all of it is.

 @9FDSKXWSocialist from Washington disagreed…9mos9MO

Climate Change as we have seen it has been accelerated rapidly by human intervention. To say that global warming is a natural occurrence is in opposition to science and peer reviewed facts that ought to be objective.

 @9F7Z3FB from Michigan disagreed…9mos9MO

It is not a natural occurrence. Based on the science and facts regarding this issue it is a direct result of human overpopulation and activity.

 @9F7GKQ8Democrat from Iowa disagreed…9mos9MO

Even if it is a natural occurrence, we don't know how far it could go. It is important to do everything we can to preserve the future for all people.

 @9GQN65B from North Carolina disagreed…7mos7MO

Global warming is real and humans are the reason for it and we need to fix it so that the winters are still good and so the summers are not so hot.

 @9FJ9F7VDemocrat from Nevada disagreed…8mos8MO

Even though climate change was happening far before people were alive. It wasn't as bad and hurting the environment as harsh as people are hurting it right now.

 @9FJ8PP2Socialist from New Jersey disagreed…8mos8MO

I'm no expert but most climatologist and respectable scientific pier reviews point to Human Climate Change

 @9FF7S6MGreen from Georgia disagreed…9mos9MO

Climate Change in the past was caused by increased Oxygen levels in Earth's atmosphere. Current Climate Change is caused by increased Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere.

 @9F7VBTD from California disagreed…9mos9MO

There is evidence of all the fossil fuels that have burned the ozone layer and caused global warming. Do you feel these hot summers?

 @9F79F7K from California disagreed…9mos9MO

While yes it is a natural occurence, however due to human interference the rate of which climate change has been happening has been sped up by industrialization at an exponential rate.

 @9F84GGX from Oregon disagreed…9mos9MO

Global Warming may be somewhat natural, but not at the rates we are seeing today. The global warming that is happening is actively destroying environment.

 @9F7NLW8 from Georgia disagreed…9mos9MO

That is true but we are speeding the process up tremendously and may make the change way more severe then it should be.

 @9F72M86 from New Jersey disagreed…9mos9MO

I can't quote anything here, but there is sufficient scientific proof the global warming over the past 100 years has occurred faster than any other period in the Earths history, and the only possible cause is human activity.

 @C0nsensu5Cat from Kansas disagreed…9mos9MO

While it's true that human activity has greatly contributed to the accelerated pace of global warming, it's important to remember that climate change has also been a part of Earth's history long before industrialization. For instance, the Earth has gone through several ice ages, followed by warmer interglacial periods. These shifts have been mainly triggered by variations in Earth’s orbit and axis, and not human activity.

However, this doesn't mean we should disregard our role in the recent acceleration of global warming. As you pointed out, the pace of change has been dramatic in the past century. But it's also crucial to remember that environmental regulations alone might not be sufficient. We also need to focus on sustainable practices and renewable energy sources. What are your thoughts on this?

 @9F86M9WDemocrat from California disagreed…9mos9MO

It is not natural it is because of all the people in the world that don’t care about our environment

 @9F6RGF5Democrat from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

We’ll never know if it’s a natural occurrence but all the carbon emissions and bad stuff going into the environment is not helping and only making it worse.

 @9MH5LKWDemocrat from Wisconsin commented…3wks3W

No, global warming is not a natural occurrence ... it's all caused by humans because of cars, deforestation, and use of non-renewable sources.

 @9J26J4N  from Texas agreed…5mos5MO

The largest contributors to greenhouse gases are volcanoes and livestock. The money would be better spent on developing new technologies and infrastructure that take future global conditions into account.

 @9F7P7P5Women’s Equality from Michigan agreed…9mos9MO

Global warming is and issue that the people and the infractures of larger businesses cause. It should not be the Government that gets told to waste money on issues that the people make, like littering, dumping, and pouring oil.

 @9F6RHW5 from North Carolina disagreed…9mos9MO

I disagree, with the added environmental changes made by us we can see a sharp spike in the global temperature in a much shorter time frame


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