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 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...10yrs10Y


 @9FH77ZK from Idaho agreed…8mos8MO

A flatter corporate tax code, with fewer deductions and loopholes, may disproportionately benefit larger corporations with the resources to navigate complex tax regulations. Smaller businesses that rely on certain deductions to remain competitive could face disadvantages, potentially reducing economic diversity and stifling innovation.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...10yrs10Y


 @9F7N5LXfrom Guam agreed…9mos9MO

Look at OECD countries data, lower corporate tax rates lead to higher corporate tax as percent of GDP.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...10yrs10Y

Increase for large multinational corporations but lower for small businesses

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...10yrs10Y

Keep current rates but eliminate deductions and loop holes

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...10yrs10Y

Lower, but eliminate deductions and loop holes

 @9FH77ZK from Idaho disagreed…8mos8MO

While simplifying the corporate tax code by lowering rates and eliminating deductions and loopholes can seem like a sound idea, it may not necessarily achieve the intended benefits and could exacerbate certain issues.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...10yrs10Y

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...10yrs10Y

Remove taxes on corporations and tax shareholder dividends instead

 @8LYMN8ZIndependent from Maine answered…4yrs4Y

Lower for small businesses, raise for big businesses, eliminate deductions, and loop holes

 @95DR529from North Carolina answered…2yrs2Y

 @8HJRBDY from Colorado answered…4yrs4Y

Lower as long as the money the company gets in tax backs gets used in the economy to create more jobs

 @8HJQJ38 from Colorado answered…4yrs4Y

There should be an increase depending on the corporations current economic health.

 @9B8JWDG from Texas answered…1yr1Y

 @944MJ7B from Florida answered…2yrs2Y

Raise for large multinational corporations but lower for small businesses along with eliminating deductions and loop holes

 @8FK3FMF from California answered…4yrs4Y

"Lower on small and midsize businesses, and raise on big and large corporations, and tax shareholder dividends and on stock buybacks." (Submitted stance by user)

 @952NFK6 from Virginia answered…2yrs2Y

 @9D46LLBfrom Maine answered…10mos10MO

 @9BN6Y6RAmerican Solidarity from Connecticut answered…1yr1Y

Raise for multinational corporations but lower for small businesses, loopholes and deductions need to be eliminated

 @9K8TKCG from Illinois answered…3mos3MO

Lower, for Small businesses but keep multinational corporations at the same level and eliminate loopholes and some deductions and also eliminate older and less important regulations.

 @8GPT5QK from California answered…4yrs4Y

Increase for large corporations, lower for small businesses, remove deductions and loopholes.

 @8XDXJV5 from Massachusetts answered…3yrs3Y

Raise, eliminate deductions and loop holes, and tax shareholder dividens

 @95DFSVNfrom North Carolina answered…2yrs2Y

 @96JVK6B from Michigan answered…2yrs2Y

Lower, except in the event they relocate jobs outside the US in which they should be punished.

 @959K74L from North Carolina answered…2yrs2Y

Lower,but for both large multinational corporations and small businesses.

 @8P2MDFD from North Carolina answered…4yrs4Y

 @8NS264C from Kansas answered…4yrs4Y

Doesn't matter. Some corporations would probably just move that tax to their employees.

 @8NRB5WP from Connecticut answered…4yrs4Y

Eliminate loopholes for all businesses and individuals Increase rates for big corporations Decrease for small business

 @8NN9YCL from Texas answered…4yrs4Y

Taxes should be proportional to income/profits. Close the tax loop-holes for the uber rich while giving incentives for creating jobs and investing in the local communities. The country needs a tax reform to give lower income people a much needed break and introduce a reasonable and fair amount of tax to people based on their earnings/income with the richest taxed at a higher weight.

 @9D2NND6 from Washington answered…10mos10MO

Raise for large multinational corporations but lower for small businesses and tax shareholder dividends

 @98MPFSCDemocrat from Pennsylvania answered…1yr1Y

 @96L89MX from Michigan answered…2yrs2Y

Lower, but eliminate loopholes, & punish those who relocate outside of the country.

 @8Z2WLJ4 from Illinois answered…2yrs2Y

Eliminate corporate taxes as they are really taxes on the people, since corporations will raise prices and/or lower wages and benefits to compensate.

 @9FJWLW3 from Texas answered…8mos8MO

The government should not tax corporations

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…8mos8MO

Regulation and taxation should be the number one thing corporations face, they already have incredible reach over the decisions the government makes. The least that can be done is taxation on legal entities that have bribed and exploited politicians.

 @9D8LF34 from Washington answered…10mos10MO

Abolish tax on capital, replace with tax in rents.

 @9D8LF34 from Washington commented…10mos10MO

Replace all taxes with a tax on economic rents. Rents, in general, may slow the economy, contribute to inequality, and are an excellent source of revenue with out imposing a deadweight loss on the economy.


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